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EdX offers a bunch of free courses, including JavaScript courses that were made by different universities, like Harvard and other prestigious schools. And it has a really python for javascript developers great interactive JavaScript course that’ll help you learn online at your own pace. Codecademy is a subscription-based website, with a lot of free courses as well.

There are many other keywords used by JavaScript that you’ll learn in the following sections such as if, for, and while. Variables are used to reference data so that you can use the same data multiple times in your program. To declare a variable, you need to type the keyword let followed by the variable name. Before explaining what a variable is, I want you to change the code you’ve written in the index.js file.

Learn JavaScript online

This is automatically done by JavaScript so that your code won’t cause an error. But as you’ll see in this section, type coercion can actually cause undesired behavior in the program. As their name implies, these type conversion functions will attempt to convert any value you specified inside the parentheses to the type of the same name. Undefined is a data type in JavaScript used to represent a variable that hasn’t been assigned any value yet.

Next, we’ll turn our attention to strings — this is what pieces of text are called in programming. In this SoloLearn course, you will learn about conditions, loops, functions, objects, arrays, the DOM, and events. JavaScript is a popular programming language used for building web applications, among many other things. The book is designed to be easy to understand and accessible to anyone looking to learn JavaScript. It provides a step-by-step gentle guide that will help you understand how to use JavaScript to create a dynamic application.

JavaScript Tutorial

Note that you need the round brackets even though you are passing just one argument to the function. At first, it may seem weird as you are used to the function keyword. Keep in mind that this applies only to variables declared using let and const.

In each iteration, the value of i is incremented by 1 until it reaches 6 and the loop terminates. The example above shows where the for loop offers the most effective approach. The for loop is useful when you know how many times you need to execute a repetitive task. Here, the x will be incremented by 3 each time the loop is executed. You can use either the if…else or the switch…case statement. But you need to keep in mind that the value for a case block must exactly match the switch argument.